My Electricity Bill – A Nightmare
Published on: Dec 19, 2021
My Electricity Bill – A Nightmare

Dear all,

This week I received a letter from my electricity provider. “Dear Mr. Wenger, blah blah blah…unfortunately…the government…unfortunately…taxes…are not up to us…blah blah…your new electricity price is

31 cents per kWh.”


Sorry guys: I don’t want to buy the power plant! I just want a few kilowatt hours of electricity!

And dear government: I understand that the energy transition costs money. But I don’t want to pay for it alone.

And I don’t want to pay all the debts of the last 26 generations through my electricity bill. I want to make MY contribution, not that of whole dynasties!

And now seriously: As a CEO I earn enough to be able to pay my electricity bill without putting my family in existential distress. But there are very many other people who earn significantly less, and who also have to pay thirty-one cents. They may not have the worst and most inefficient heat pump in the history of mankind like I do, but still.

And yes, the heat pump is really a pain in the ***. I definitely need a solution for that thing. I just don’t have the time to really take care of it. But it’s on the to do list.

What would also make sense: A fog power plant. Someone would have to invent something like that. So that you can also generate electricity in Ulm in November. A real gap in the market! Do you have any ideas?

Many people have suggested to me that we should produce hydrogen by electrolysis, store it and then use it. Yes, it makes sense. But not at home. Only on a large scale. Find out where the journey is going next week in a webinar with one of the biggest experts on the subject in Germany, Dr. Tom Smolinka of Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg. Sign up for free:

And if you want to discuss electricity prices with me, follow me on LinkedIn. I have already complained about my electricity bill there:

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